Thursday, October 17, 2013

An afternoon of DIY Disaster

During the day I have a habit of spending many hours on pinterest, normally looking at crochet patterns or recipes, but I also like the occasional DIY project (ok, so I look at almost every DIY project with a longing to be able to be that crafty and wonderful). Recently I found a yarn wreath project and being the crocheter that I am I thought it would reflect my personality to have a wreath made out of yarn balls. I looked at a few tutorials but all of them required materials that I can't get where I live(yay for middle of nowhere) so I decided to use what I had around and make my own adaption to the yarn wreath. The tutorials I read required a wire wreath ring and so my idea to replace that was a metal clothes hanger, it didn't seem like it would be too difficult to maneuver into the shape I wanted it in, but it was, the hanger was in two pieces so my real part was getting the two pieces to form a circle and stay together. This was a fight in and of it's self without all the other challenges of this project. The second part of this project is what I have titled "assemble the minions." I went about winding balls of yarn and it was just simply annoying, this is something that would be much better to do with more than one person(like an army of minions perhaps). Once I got the yarn balls made I started pushing them through the wire and then decided I wanted to add some Christmas ornaments to give this project a little sparkle but the ornaments that I had were very big so I took all the yarn balls off and slid the ornaments through the wire in a pattern with the yarn balls instead of gluing them on like I originally planned. I spent quite a bit of time fixing the ornaments that broke as I tried to push yarn balls back through the wire but eventually I was satisfied and closed up the two pieces of wire with hot glue and then glued on a smaller ornament to hide the glue and metal. To finish I glued a ribbon on the top to hang the wreath. Overall, it doesn't look terrible but I don't claim to be a craft pro and in hindsight there were probably easier ways to do this project, but you learn as you go and I'll know for next time. 

Here are the pictures of the process and how the project turned out :)  
and one last thing, when assembling your materials if you so desire to give this project a try, don't forget the coffee :) no coffee=no creating!

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